Get your pilot scripts ready, because we're opening Pilot Accelerator applications soon! And for LA-based filmmakers, it's time to mark your calendars...
2024 is shaping up to be our biggest year yet.
After six years of operating as Women’s Weekend Film Challenge, we recently changed our name to Moonshot Initiative and became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Since our inception, we have advanced the careers of 900 women and non-binary filmmakers through our signature film challenge, and we have helped thousands more through our online programming. Our mission remains the same, and we’re looking forward to growing and expanding as Moonshot Initiative!
Our goal is to open as many doors for you as possible. That’s why we’ve been focusing on Moonshot’s sustainability for these past few months. Behind the scenes, we’ve been busy applying for grants, building our donor base, and building awareness around the amazing work we’ve already accomplished. The stronger our organization becomes, the more it helps our participants get in the right rooms and further their careers!
We know that you’ve been waiting on the dates for our major programming, like our film challenge, pilot accelerator, and month-long virtual courses. Here’s what’s coming up, from a film challenge in the fall to a pilot accelerator that’s opening applications NEXT WEEK!
Los Angeles Film Challenge
Our signature film challenge is coming back in the fall of 2024 in Los Angeles!
The film challenge weekend is set for (drum roll please …) Oct. 17-20, 2024!
The last time we hosted a challenge in LA was four years ago, in February 2024, so we are massively excited to bring this opportunity back to our Los Angeles community! If you’re an LA-based filmmaker, make sure to keep an eye out for applications in the late summer.
But we need your help to make this happen. The film challenge is our biggest undertaking, with tons of major expenses and months and months of nonstop work for our small team. We need to cover big-ticket costs like production insurance, a premiere screening, film festival submission fees, and more.
Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to Moonshot to make this career-changing opportunity available to hundreds of filmmakers?
Making a monthly donation is even more powerful, as we are able to count on and plan around that income throughout the year — no matter what amount you pledge! Please consider building support for Moonshot Initiative and the thousands of filmmakers we support into your monthly budget. The more individual donors we have, the easier it is to secure larger grants so, seriously, any amount helps!
Pilot Accelerator
Get your pilot scripts ready, because we are about to open applications for the Moonshot Pilot Accelerator!
With the help of industry judges, we select 6 to 8 fellows out of hundreds of applications. These fellows go through our three-week virtual program to prepare their pitches and build knowledge around the industry. Then, we set them up on pitch meetings with major companies and representatives! Past participating companies have included HBO, Netflix, Hulu, Showtime, Warner Bros., and many more.
Of our last two cohorts, each fellow received 6 to 10 pitch meetings. 85% of meetings last year ended with a request to read the script. Since the accelerators, several of our fellows have gotten staffed; received representation; become mentees to showrunners; gotten work as writers' room support staff; won contests with their pitches prepped in our program; and more.
To apply, all you need is your complete pilot script. You’ll also be asked to answer some short questions in the application. Let’s do this!
Virtual Courses

We recently wrapped up our Write a Pilot in 30 Days course in January 2024. We’re so proud of what our cohort accomplished! Read more here.
Next up:
Our Revise a Pilot in 30 Days course is set for May 2024
Our How to Pitch Your Project course is set for September 2024
Sales have not yet opened, but you can sign up for the waitlists here.
Just click “learn more” on the course you’re interested in, then scroll to the bottom of the page. Click “Request to Join” to be notified when the course is available. Heads up: You’ll need to create an account or sign in to do so.
Want to give the gift of creativity and provide someone in your life with one of our programs? Gift cards are available here!
Please note: All program dates are subject to change.
We're looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish together in 2024!